Suzannah De Almeida ’22 (CLAS)
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
Minor: Chemistry
MARC Scholar, McNair Scholar, LSAMP Scholar, University Scholar
Undergraduate Researcher, Sartor Lab, Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy
Read more about Suzannah in UConn Today
What are your current research interests and projects?
I am interested in researching epigenetic pharmacotherapies for substance use disorder (SUD). This investigates the ability to influence gene expression without altering the genetic code as a method of medical treatment for SUD. My research with the Sartor Lab, Allosteric Modulators of GPCRs: A Novel Therapeutic Approach for Substance Use Disorder, explored allosteric modulators of G protein-coupled receptors to treat substance use disorder. I presented this research at UConn’s 8th Annual McNair Summer Poster Exhibit.
What excites you about your field of study?
Given the urgent need for effective treatment of substance use disorder, additional studies may lead to new opportunities for therapeutic innovation. I am excited to be a part of this research because it further investigates ways to develop effective treatments for addiction. I am highly passionate about the molecular world and drug discovery!
How does or might an interdisciplinary approach enhance your work?
An interdisciplinary approach brings assorted perspectives together in order to advance one’s comprehension of research. It is essential to synthesize ideas from different areas of disciplines to develop a further understanding of the topic as a whole. An interdisciplinary frame of mind is able to identify the relevancy of the work in many fields of study, which eenhances the significance of the research. Being able to translate my work through a multifaceted viewpoint represents a progression in transferable and comparative skills.
What advice do you wish you heard when you were an undergrad or earlier in your college career?
Through one’s undergraduate years, it may be challenging at times to remember the true meaning behind your purpose. To further elaborate, at times due to an increase in obligations, academic requirements, and responsibilities, one can struggle with remembering why they began in the first place. When I was a freshman, I would have liked to be reminded of this. It is important to make decisions, always recalling where your passion lies, especially in research.